Glass Bottle: The Benefits of Glass Bottles
We often hear that plastic products are harmful to our health, so I recommend that you replace plastic products with other materials. First of all, the most important thing is the drinking bottle. Protecting your health and caring for the environment are just two reasons why you might want to consider switching from plastic water bottles to glass.
Some Facts about Single-use Plastic Water Bottles
*Producing a plastic bottle consumes energy, releases toxins into the air, and uses more water in the production process than is consumed in the bottle.
*Americans throw away 35 billion plastic water bottles every year.
*Approximately 45% of bottled water brands come from the same municipal water system as tap water.
*Manufacturing companies use millions of barrels of oil each year to make plastic bottles. The amount of oil needed to meet this demand is enough to fuel 1.3 million vehicles annually in the United States alone.
*Only a small proportion of plastic water bottles are recycled after use – on average, this equates to 38 out of 167 single-use water bottles. Billions of water bottles are wasted every year, occupying landfill sites and polluting the nation’s waterways.
Do Plastic Water Bottles Pose a Risk to Human Health?
According to numerous studies, polycarbonate plastic gradually leach a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA) into food and liquids stored in water bottles and other containers made from the material. BPA has been identified as an endocrine-disrupting chemical, or a chemical that can readily mimic hormones when absorbed into the body.
Glass bottle PET is a thermoplastic polymer resin from the polyester family, used for beverage, food and other liquid containers. While industry experts support the product’s safety, there is evidence of potential health risks. Antimony, a compound found in PET plastic bottles, can cause dizziness and depression in small doses; nausea, vomiting and even death in larger doses. German researchers say if you drink water from a plastic bottle made from PET, you’re likely to drink estrogenic compounds, just like BPA.
What Are the Benefits of Using a Glass Water Bottle?
If you bring a reusable water bottle, a gold star will be awarded to you! Now we want you to take that commitment one step further and upgrade your game from plastic to glass. Protecting your health and caring for the environment are just two reasons why you might want to consider switching from plastic water bottles to glass. The latter is not only more environmentally friendly, but also offers better taste options, looks good, and is better for your health.
Glass bottles keep filtered water fresh and pure without the risk of contaminating the water with chemicals.
Glass bottles are easier to clean and retain their clarity after hundreds of washes.
Even after filling your mason jar and placing it in the refrigerator for days or weeks, you can enjoy the clean, refreshing taste of filtered water without having to worry about BPA and other chemicals leaching into the water.
Unlike plastic, glass water bottles will stay crystal clear when you add filtered water to lemons, oranges, limes and other fruits that cause plastic bottles to discolor and degrade.
You can also consider buying its Glass Milk Bottles and Glass Juice Bottles from bottlesoutlet, which are equally useful and healthy. What’s more, not only the price is low but the quality is also very good. So put down the plastic water bottles in your hands and use glass water bottles. Let’s work together to protect health.